
Technology serves a critical role in education. From engaging students with digital learning tools, supporting teachers in the instruction process and enhancing collaboration among administration, staff, and pupils, technology advances the learning experience. To address the needs of its different audiences, schools implement a suite of technology that includes a variety of software and hardware devices. Many schools make significant investments to infuse technology into the various aspects of the learning environment to promote academic excellence.
Keeping pace with technology, however, is a huge task for school districts supporting hundreds of thousands of students and teachers with varying requirements and skill sets. Questa Technology works with schools, universities, colleges, and other teaching facilities to provide educational technology solutions that address software, hardware, and the network infrastructure. Our software licensing specialists can determine the best applications for teachers and pupils of different grade levels. Protecting your IT environment, we evaluate the integrity of your infrastructure to ensure appropriate enterprise storage and network design. Current on latest technology trends, our IT education specialists make recommendations that can transform your learning environment while reducing costs.